Saturday 15 April 2017

London days 7, will there or won't there be ...

Friday, it's time to move on, our time at Rembrandt Gardens, Little Venice, London is up ... so will there be another space?
George decided to reverse from our mooring to make it easier to move off when we're ready without winding (turning).  There is a water tap just in front of the old work boat so we pulled over, but it was not to be, the pressure was so weak that it probably gave us about a cupful in the time it took George to walk into Paddington Basin to see if there was a mooring available for us.
Yes, result!  There is a widebeam mooring, in fact there are two so we continue to reverse

These are the two cranes operating on the Brunel Building site and I watched as the two operators climbed high into their cabins resting every two stages as they went.
Looking towards the direction of travel ... behind Still Rockin'
By 9am we were safely moored and we soon visited by this friendly cat who tried his best to get on board - we'll need to keep the doors closed!

After lunch we're out walking again
Princess Diana Memorial Fountain in Hyde Park
Egyptian Goose with her goslings
Stopping for a breather, it's a hot day

Royal Artillery Memorial
Rehighlighting the battle sites at the ...

Australian War Memorial

Whatever burden you are to carry
We also will shoulder that burden

Australia - United Kingdom

1914 - 1918
1939 - 1945
We continued walking, George had a fancy to visit Harrods which we did for all of 20 minutes - in my mind it's a bit like shopping on Mars - unbelievable!

Treated ourselves again at the Aberdeen Angus Steakhouse for dinner - my favourite!

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