Saturday, 8 April 2017

London day 2 - Kew, part 2 - the palace

Kew Palace built in 1631 for successful Flemish businessman Samuel Fortrey.  In 1729 it caught the eye of King George II wife Queen Caroline as a suitable lodging for their three eldest daughters Anne, Caroline and Amelia.

We spent the first half hour or so in the palace kitchens where the amazing smells took us into the basement and these two cooks were creating a Georgian meal - spinach omelette roulade, roasted celery, spinach steamed in butter, lamb risotto (cooked together), chicken with a butter sauce and cream and jelly dessert.


I liked the way that some rooms had been stripped back to show the various renovations/improvements/updates over time - wallpaper, paint, panels, brick, lath and plaster etc. click here for more interesting facts

Ideal for a boat!

One of the most interesting 'palaces' that I've visited it showed how the family lived and died and how the house itself progressed through the generations - well worth a visit or two!

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