Thursday 20 April 2017

London day 13 - An empty tank ...

7:30 Thursday 13th April and our water tank is on its stops ...
 ... leaving behind our mooring in Paddington Basin, London
 ... a clear blue sky, dry but very chilly
 ... passing the Brunel Building where we saw the operators climbing to their cabins atop the cranes a few days ago
 ... opposite Paddington Station which we used nearly every day as an easy route to and from the underground and our walks

 ... past Rembrandt Gardens where there was just the one boat moored
 7:55 we're at the sanitary station making full use of the facilities, it took 1.25 hours to complete all the tasks and the water pressure was dire!

 It's amazing where Coots decide to build a nest!

The laying of cables along the towpath on the Paddington Arm continues and here we met a hopper and an small tug boat opposite a wide beam boat being fitted out inside. It has plastic windows which open outwards from the bottom and there is no way we'll get through there without taking his windows out completely!  The tug operator has seen this and bangs on the boat to get the fitters attention to close those windows and we pass through safely.
This is the bridge that had scaffold under it when we arrived nearly two weeks ago where it was difficult to get through because of the railing safety barrier - it's time it was removed as the scaffolding is no longer there.
 Blimey! A boat on the move!
 Only their mothers' could love them!
 The view of Wembley gets better now that all the canalside buildings have been demolished but I wonder if any new buildings will hide it again.
 A Coots island paradise?
 Where there are road bridges over a canal there will be boats ... by why, oh why do they have to moor so close to a skewed bridge, or any bridge for that matter.
 Gosh two more boats moving ... it's getting to be like the M1!
 We should be seeing cygnets soon

 See what I mean?
Quarter past 2 and we've reached our destination at Willow Tree Park, this will be us for the Easter weekend to relax and catch up with a week's worth of laundry.

10 past 8 when we left the services at Paddington - 5 hours, 10 miles with no stopping for fouled prop thank goodness - 2 miles per hour - not bad going at all!


  1. Hey well done, you got the first cootlets! Left or right at Bulls Bridge?

    1. Left Geoff, we've now got deep water under the floor again thank goodness! Love to you both. xx


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