Wednesday 15 March 2017


Saturday - and long-time friends arrive, it's been a while since we saw them last
We went for a walk over the weir and even though the Thames has been on 'Decreasing Stream' for a few days the amount of water flowing through the open sluices is a sight to behold!
 After lunch alfresco on Still Rockin's deck we explored the river and town at Marlow
 And early evening we had yet another lovely meal at The Coach.
It was a great day, so good to catch up with old friends.

More visitors on Sunday too, George's sister Diane, husband Paul and son Steve came for the day, again it was an entertaining day with good company.

1 comment:

  1. There's nothing like spending time with good friends, is there, Carol? Looks as if it wasn't so cold either! No coats :)


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