Monday 20 March 2017

Continuing downstream

Friday I spent home alone (moored abreast with Sue and Vic) as George was attending a family funeral in Stoke.

Sue and I with Meg and Lucy went for a walk round the lake by the Spade Oak pub and saw this lovely Black Swan.
After a wild and windy night on Saturday morning we gently pulled away from No Problem and continued downstream

We were soon passing the Bounty Pub where there was a couple of moorings available, pity we didn't need one so early in the day

After passing through Cookham Lock where we pulled in to take on water and get rid of the rubbish we were soon approaching a favourite of ours ...

Clivedon House and 'our' mooring.
Next stop ... Maidenhead and Boulters Lock

What are they doing!

This lovely old man smiles whatever the weather!

Happy gongoozlers who were very interested in Still Rockin' and how the locks work.

I wonder how much those moorings will be, probably very expensive it will be interesting to see.

Through Bray Lock we come to Monkey Island where there were signs of work but not a lot of change from this time last year.

Another favourite mooring of ours at Dorney where the daffs were blooming.

Boveney Lock in the distance.  All but lock was showing as on self service but several of them were manned.

Passing through Windsor with Eton College on our left and the castle on the right.
Passing through Romney Lock
... and Old Windsor Lock
... we arrive at our mooring for the night at Runneymede at 2:45.

The National Trust have been busy at the visitor moorings, the bushes and trees have been cut back and the mooring edges tidied up.  The lack of vegetation and leaves on the trees made the road noise more obvious, hopefully things will be quieter on our way back in a few weeks time.

A good day's cruising.


  1. Lovely photos as usual Carol, and thanks for your company for a couple of days to you both. Have a great trip tomorrow, wrap up warm but the sun will be shining so it should be great! x

    1. Thanks Sue, we're going on the tide on Wednesday now (tomorrow) the Tuesday on (today) was a bit too early! See you in a few weeks time probably x

  2. Lovely to see you are on the move. I bet it felt fantastic! I cannot wait to get home and do the same. Love Jaq xxx

    1. It did feel fantastic Jaq. Glad that you're looking forward to coming home, I know it's the right thing for you. xx

  3. Lovely to see your great photos as always, hope you're both well. We're not to bad and the sunny days help! Look after yourselves. Sandra. Xxx

    1. Thanks Sandra, we're both really good thanks and as you say the sunny days always make you feel much brighter. Love you. xx


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