Thursday 1 December 2016

Another day out!

Winter has certainly arrived and it's getting colder every day - it was -9 on Tuesday morning and not much less when George's sister Diane and husband Paul came to pick us up and take us to Hughenden Manor the home of the Victorian Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli and the little known WWII "Operation Hillside".  

I'll let the pictures tell the story of the house and garden, click on any of them for a better view.

The house ...

 I love the story of the Spare Chair, it just about sums-up Disraeli's 'sulky' attitude for me!

 More information of Mr Disraeli here

The garden ...

 George demonstrating that this ha-ha has only a 4' drop!

A good day out, thanks Di and Paul.


  1. Lovely place, Carol! Goodness, it's been cold where you are, hasn't it? Thank you for the photo tour!


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