Tuesday 1 November 2016

Just like summer!

Who would have thought it ...

31st October and it had to be at least 17/18 degrees at lunch time!

We're still at Medmenham and because it was so warm we went for a walk

Molly had been completely blind all morning but she still enjoys a walk. We can let her off the lead on the meadow so long as we keep away from the river bank.

We walked rather further than intended and here could see Danesfield House in the far distance

Crossing a newly seeded field via the public footpath
Back at Still Rockin' we sat out on the back deck with a glass of wine in the brilliantly warm sunshine.  I really can't think of anywhere else I'd rather be than here.
Half past four and the bbq is nearly ready to load on the meat, the air has turned chilly now and the mist is settling onto the meadow, it may be the last bbq of the year as we don't yet know the rules at the marina.  It really has been a grand day for us.

PS:  Molly is still having more good days (when she has some sight and no glaucoma pain (like a headache)) than bad ones and hope that this will continue for a while yet with help from the drops which she's having more frequently to keep her pain free.


  1. What a great photo. Last year we cheated the season having a bbq at Cromwell Lock on the Trent late in October. What a wonderful life we all have.

    1. We certainly do Pip! Regards to your both, how's life treating you these days?

    2. We are good thanks, if a bit chilly this morning. Heading to spend the last months of the year on the Macclesfield Canal. Our new boat will be launched up there, so we may have two boats for a while unless we manage to sell Lillyanne before Christmas. At least we'll have no locks to move the two boats through.

    3. I realised when I got your first comment Pip that your blog had disappeared from my list so it's no wonder I didn't know where you were etc. You're now back on the listings. Hope all goes well with the rest of the build and launch.


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