Sunday 6 November 2016

Enjoying the views

There were quite a few people on the marina island yesterday making their boats safe for the winter ahead.

On Tuesday when we arrived at Hambledon Marina we walked up to Hambleden village approximately one mile away.  As we walked we noticed a box of cooking apples outside one of the houses for anyone to take but we didn't have anything to carry them in so we left them there.  Late yesterday afternoon in the cold sunshine we went out to see if they were still there ...

If you click on the picture to enlarge it you should be able to see the box of apples on the grass verge from which I chose four apples for a pie on Sunday.  You can also see the signpost pointing to the right - Rotten Row ...
The pavement runs out here but walkers can take the path through the kissing-gate to reach the village.  We decided to walk up Rotten Row, a lane with no pavement but very little traffic.  We didn't go far as it was getting late in the day but we did find a few public footpath signs to explore another day.
Back at Still Rockin' yet another lovely sunset, it'll probably another cold night too!


  1. Looks like you have a beautiful winter mooring there. Last time we had such good views of a weir were was from our room at The Compleat Angler and it cost a fortune!! How nice that you have this for 5 months ... so much better value.

    Between your good selves and NPXL, your blogs will keep our Thames fix going until that wonderful day arrives next year when we migrate south. Pining (whining!) already.

    Still it's not all bad. Currently holed up at Stoke Bruerne for 10 days and we are both feeling very relaxed (ie asleep) after an excellent Sunday lunch at the Navigation. Free bottle of Merlot had nothing to do with this of course.

    My business travels often take me south and as my childhood home was Gerrards Cross you are in my old (very) stamping ground. Would love to pay a visit if you are open to strays dropping in?

    Hope it's as good as it looks ..

    1. We're always open to visitors! I'll pm my phone number to Carole on FB so that you can give us a bit of notice. That lunch with wine and then a relax sounds a perfect way to spend a Sunday. Looking forward to hearing from you and meeting up properly. Regards.

  2. Haven't you found just the best place to be for the winter?! Such a wealth of things to explore and so close to such a large conurbation it is amazing! But that is the waterways, eh?

    1. We certainly have Marilyn and we're going to enjoy it too! Enjoy your summer and don't work too hard!
      Regards Carol and George x


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