Sunday 9 October 2016

To Kingston Upon Thames

We left our mooring and Sue and Vic at Thames Court, Shepperton on Friday morning; it was dry but with a very chilly breeze!
Historic working boats at Walton ...
I can see that one in Brighton but is the paired boat Nuffield?

Lots of different craft on the river

... including this yellow submarine or is it a pod?

Sunbury Lock house the second of three on our cruise today

... and we're soon approaching Hampton
... and Dave Gilmour's pad with the usual fellow removing the cobwebs!

Houseboats line both sides of Ash Island

I think there are 13 on this side, all shapes, sizes and conditions.
Molesy Lock and services where a rather scruffy boat is moored  immediately above the lock landing, surely that shouldn't be there ...

... where we stop to fill the water tank.
Looking back at the lovely Hampton Court Bridge as we exit the lock
We love cruising the Thames at this time of year, fewer boats and more moorings! What's not to like!  This is at the usually busy Hampton Court Palace moorings.
 I love chimneys!!
 We'll stop here on Monday probably for a last look this year
 We thought the trip boats were finished for the season but apparently not!
 Approaching Kingston on Thames where we're spending the weekend spending money!


  1. Hi carol hope you are both well , it seems we have dissapeared off your blog roll anyway iam enjoying seeing your pics of the thames , hope to see you again next year happy cruising
    Richard and Sharon

    1. Oops, sorry Sharon. A week or so ago when I opened blogger all my lists were gone! Sorry I missed yours out when putting them back ... job done now! happy cruising.

  2. The scruffy lost was on the water point when we came through early August and has only moved back a bit since. We asked the lockie when we went through a couple of weeks ago what was happening and he said it was "with the courts" Wonder how long that will take?
    Carole & Paul

    1. A long time probably Paul and in the meantime they’ve got a ‘free’ mooring, can’t be bad!

  3. Moody skies but lovely photos, Carol! I saw a pod type boat like the yellow one over here on our travels. It was an ex rescue boat from an oil rig. A young couple were living on it. I like David Gilmour's pad!


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