Saturday 3 September 2016

Abingdon, a place of many parts, part two

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St Mary’s Church, Abingdon is by far the prettiest and most unusual church I have ever visited, it’s beautiful! I would love to be able to attend a candle-lit service here, it would be most atmospheric.


  1. Back online and following your blog again :)

    To answer your earlier question .... we are making our way up to Oxford.

    In fact we are in Abingdon right now and spotted you on the moorings above the lock! I ignored the 'No Public Access - Go Away Or Else' signs and marched purposefully towards Still Rockin yesterday evening hoping to say a quick Hello.

    The helpful people on the very nice Piper barge next to you said you are away until Tuesday. As we are moving on tomorrow (Sunday) I guess we will be wide beams that passed in the night!

    After two days in Oxford (assuming we can find a mooring) we'll be heading back down the Thames and up the GU to our home base at Kingfisher Marina.

    It's raining hard now which makes it easy to forget the wonderful few weeks of sun we have had. We are truly grateful to the boating Gods for even getting this far. On the way down the GU we picked up a massive bag of rubbish just before Linslade and bent the prop. We thought our 2016 adventure was gone. By luck our home marina boat yard (Baxters) were taking one boat out of dry dock and not putting the next one in until Monday. So if we could get back by Friday eve we might dry dock and get a new prop fitted on Saturday. Long story short (too late!) we limped back with much drama (vibration caused exhaust to break ... total loss of power, smoke everywhere and I thought we were on fire!! ... very scary, threw boat into bank and threw Carole and dog off). Eventually we got the work done. Massive bill, thank goodness for insurance.

    The other part of your question ... as we do not live aboard full time yet we do not keep a blog. Carole posts our trips onto face ache. I'll ask her if there is access.

    Hope we cross paths at some point soon.

    Best wishes
    Carole & Paul

    1. Great to hear from you both, you certainly are having some ‘wide’ experiences on the waters, glad you managed to get everything sorted even though there was a big bill as a result!

      We’ll be back on Tuesday morning but will probably stay in Abingdon that night and cruise back downstream for a couple of months. If you’re doing the same there is every chance we can meet up, I’ll look forward to that.

      I’m on fb under my own name, ask Carole to look me up!


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