Friday 5 August 2016

Retracing our steps

Molly's updated medication has given her back a little more sight albeit distance not so much near vision and once again she can jump onto the back on the sofa (which is not against a wall) and stop on a sixpence.  She loves this position especially when the sun is on it!
 We left Pangbourne yesterday morning on a rather dull day with a strong wind

We’ve let the strong wind wind (turn) us and are now heading once again downstream to Mapledurham to use the sanitary station 
 The reach between Whitchurch and Mapledurham locks is beautiful even on a dull day
 The clouds are gathering as we leave Mapledurham Lock, wind once again and head back upstream.  
It was tough going against the flow with a strong head wind and to add to the excitement this was the scene as we approached Whitchurch bridge and lock.  We actually had to stop Still Rockin’ for the yellow canoe as she was having difficulty in the wind and flow trying to turn away from us.

As we left Whitchurch Lock we could see that the hire cruiser was also having difficulty tying up to the landing in the wind, there was a beautiful wooden slipper boat in front of them who were hanging onto their ropes with all their might to keep out of the way!

… and round the bend was trip boat Reading waiting to take his turn on the lock landing.

Our original intention today was to carry on cruising up to Cleeve for water but as we were passing Beale Park there were mooring available and since our water will last another couple of days ... just,  and it was near to lunch time and the wind still very strong we decided to call it a day …
 … and put pins in just a boat’s length behind where we’d been moored last weekend where soon after we arrived the farmer came to cut the grass.  I’m assuming he’ll be collecting it to use as silage. 
 Half past eight last evening and the sun is starting to set ...
 … giving us stunning views.

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