Friday 29 July 2016

What the vet said ...

The ophthalmologist agreed that Molly has very little sight now in her left eye but has some in her right eye. 

We thought that the blindness was due to the displacement of the lenses and when we saw that her sight was failing last week we stopped the drops we were giving her to prevent this from happening because the drops work by closing the pupils down to prevent the lens from coming to the front of her eye, so if we’d continued to give the drops we may have been preventing the lens from going back to where it should be.

We were surprised then when the vet examined her eyes and informed us that Molly’s lenses were still in place and because her pupils were dilated (because she’d not had the drops for a few days) she was able to see to the back of her eyes where she saw quite a bit of damage to the optical nerves in her left eye but not so bad in the right.

The next test was to measure the pressure in Molly’s eyes, normal pressure is between 10-20 and yesterday the left one was over 70 and right over 60. The vet decided that the ‘other’ drops that Molly was having to keep the pressure down were not sufficient and she’s prescribed another one which contains a beta-blocker which may give her back a bit more sight.  So with the new drops twice each day and the ones to keep the pupils narrowed now upped to three times a day things will hopefully be ok for another while.  

Molly is managing quite well inside the boat and only occasionally becomes disorientated, she can manage the steps (steep) up to the back deck from inside so long as she doesn’t stop to think about it.  We keep talking to her whenever she’s near us, we just need to be aware of her lack of sight, ensuring that doors are closed if the deck boards are up and that the gates on the rear deck are kept closed at all times so that she can’t attempt to get off and end up wet!

We’re now just waiting for Molly's medication to arrive at the chemist here in Goring (cheaper than getting it from the vet) and then we can move from here, we’ll probably spend the weekend at Beale Park.


  1. You can tell Molly I know exactly how she feels having medication all day long. I also get blurry vision.
    Hope she copes with the failing eyesight as I know she means so much to you both.

    1. Oh Les, you’re such a lovely man! If we and Molly can cope with her failing eyesight just a fraction as well as you are with your problems, we’ll be ok. If your plans are still to be on the GU later this year we really hope to come and see you both. Always in our hearts and thoughts. xx

  2. Hooted when we passed you this morning at Goring ,there was no sign of life although doors were open , hope to catch up before we leave the Thames .

    1. Sorry to have missed you Sharon, we were at the vets in Hitchen, Bedfordshire all day on Thursday. After Wednesday next week we’ll be heading up stream again as far as Abingdon by the end of August.

  3. That's not so bad, is it. At least there's a chance her eyesight may improve a bit. Give her a cuddle from us.

    1. It’s as good as it gets Geoff and better than we thought the prognosis would be so we’re happy now. Love to you both. xx

  4. I've just read the last post and this one. Poor Molly! She's such a sweetie! I hope she gets some sight back soon. Give her a hug for me!


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