Thursday 7 July 2016

Spade Oak Lake

I had no idea that there was a lake near the visitor moorings at Bourne End, so yesterday afternoon George and I, with Molly of course, went for a short walk...
Spade Oak Lake / Nature Reserve is a flooded gravel pit and it’s huge!  We only walked part of the way round but reading the information in the ‘nature reserve’ link I see that Enid Blyton’s thatched cottage is next to the Spade Oak pub which also welcomes dogs.  We’ve not paid a visit to the pub this time but when we return later in the year we will certainly be investigating the lake and properties further.
 We soon return to the River Thames
 … and ‘my’ house!
 Still Rockin’ and No Problem XL on the visitor moorings (left) at Bourne End
On the short walk back to SR we met this group of Greylag geese. They are the ancestors of most domestic geese and the largest wild goose in the the UK … and they are the noisiest, I can vouch for that!
They went scurrying back to the water as we approached.

The visitor moorings here are 48hours only so we’re moving this morning, but not before we’ve said hello to … well you’ll have to wait and see!

1 comment:

  1. I can also vouch for the Greylag geese being noisy. We have several family groups of them on our marina and they make for extremely noisy neighbours.


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