Sunday 3 July 2016

Pre-bookable moorings in London

Press Release from Canal and River Trust ...

1 July 2016


The Canal & River Trust is conducting a survey to gauge the level of demand for boaters wanting to visit the capital together with their interest in being able to pre-book a short-stay mooring ahead of their arrival.

Matthew Symonds, boating strategy & engagement manager at Canal & River Trust, said: “London’s waterways are busier than ever, with an extra 400 boats arriving in the capital over the past year. While it’s exciting to see new people coming onto the water, it does pose a problem when it comes to finding space for everybody. Boaters and boating organisations have told us that they are put off visiting London because they don’t think they will be able to find anywhere to moor. They may have heard this from other boaters, in the media, online or have experienced it first- hand.”

The Trust is planning to trial pre-bookable short-stay mooring spots that will let boats reserve a place to moor and is asking boaters who want to visit London to carry out a short survey about any previous experiences of boating in the capital. Providing a service that will offer the chance to reserve a mooring berth could save boaters arriving in the capital from being disappointed. The Trust wants to find out what facilities boaters may want at such sites, and what they may expect to pay for them.

These pre-bookable moorings will be another mooring option in addition to towpath and visitor moorings.

The Trust is inviting boaters with an interest in pre-bookable moorings to complete the survey between Friday 30 June and Friday 26 August. The Trust will also be carrying out further engagement work including surveys of boaters and other stakeholders in London over the coming months to help inform the London mooring strategy.

Matthew continues: London is a cultural, historical and national treasure and we want all boaters to be able to have the opportunity to cruise its fantastic canals and rivers, as well as using them as a base to explore the city. We’re looking at ways to make it possible for the limited space on its
waterways to be shared fairly. Pre-bookable moorings are one option we’re considering as part of the wider mooring strategy for London. We want to see what the appetite would be for them, and what boaters would expect they would offer in terms of services. Please get in touch to let us know your views.”

The survey can be found online at

Canal & River Trust, Toll House, Delamere Terrace, London, W2 6ND

T: 0203 3204 4514 E: W: Twitter: @CanalRiverTrust Patron: H.R.H. The Prince of Wales. Canal & River Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales with company number 7807276 and registered charity number 1146792, registered office address: First Floor North, Station House, 500 Elder Gate, Milton Keynes MK9 1BB

For further media requests please contact:
Fran Read, national press officer, Canal & River Trust m 07796 610 427 e 


  1. Thanks for publishing this. We'd like to do the Regents but are a little put off by the thought of night falling and no mooring.

    On our previous share NB we sometimes in winter misjudged journey times and were still looking for a mooring using the tunnel light. I do recall humour was in short supply !!

    We get the CRT news letter thingy .. and I replied saying I was surprised that a survey (and hopefully some action) this important did not get a mention. I got a reply saying they will add it to the next one.

    Carole & Paul

    1. Hi Paul,
      We’ve only done the Regent once and we were on a mission to get to Limehouse for a trip on the tidal Thames, I think we only stopped for one night just past Battle Bridge Basin, it was ok but I can imagine your anxiety re finding a mooring late on in the day.
      Good job you getting in touch with CRT re putting the survey in the newsletter, well done.


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