Sunday 10 July 2016

Increased stats ...

You may have noticed that I’ve posted a blog daily for the past week or so and expected my stats to increase some, but not like this ...
 This is a screen-shot from my blog for stats between the 3rd and 10th July and you can see that my largest audience during that time has been in the United States … and I wondered why ...
This one is from StatCounter - Recent Visitor map showing where my readers are in the world
 Also StatCounter Summary shows that numbers started to increase on 5th July my post ‘Next stop … the pub!'
I wonder if this is the reason why? A reader in North Carolina has spent 18 hours and 59 minutes reading the blog on 8th July!
I’m very flattered!
My UK Waterways Ranking has also risen to 4th in the top 10 blog sites and 13th in the Waterways complete list of bloggers.

After nearly nine years of blogging either there are less bloggers out there posting or I’m getting better at it!

Whatever has caused it I’m happy that there are people out there who want to read it and come back for more!


  1. Class and style always win every time Carol... ;)

  2. Funny how you get a sudden kick isn't it. A few weeks ago I had my most page views in a day with 264. The day before was 28, and I hadn't done a post for 2 weeks. It looks like someone read just about every page.


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