Thursday 23 June 2016

Go, stop, go, stop, turn

When needs must, we must … move in the rain that is.  Kev on RnR  leaving Windsor yesterday morning to use the facilities at Boveney Lock ...

and we set off a few minutes later to top up the water tank using the tap at Windsor ...

and following RnR to the lock.  We used the sanitary station and waited for the lock to be available for us ...

… it was a surprise to see Waterways Routes exiting, they’re on their way to Runnymede to meet tubby boat XL!

It was a bit snug in the lock with both boats ...

… and just as snug when we got to the visitor moorings at Dorney Lake where we breasted up.

 Descent views though even if it was a bit drizzly. 
 After lunch George took a walk to see if the ‘wild’ moorings were free as the visitor moorings are for 24 hours only.  So off we went again ...

just around this corner being careful to avoid the shallow area on the bend
 Even better views from here!
Kevin was concerned about the river condition if we had a lot of rain during the night as he needs to be in Windsor to pick Ann up when she returns at the weekend so I checked online.  The reaches from Shiplake to here at Boveney are now in amber (steam increasing) and boaters are advised to find a safe mooring in case the current becomes unsafe.  Kev decided that he ought to move back to Windsor right away, so off he went again turning easily in this wide part of the river.  We shall catch up with them, or they will catch up with us early next week with hopefully Sue and Vic.

The weather cheered up during the afternoon and I managed to get my washing dry outside on the deck so I was well pleased.
9 o’clock last night and the last of the sunshine.

Heavy rain and thunderstorms had been forecast and they came.  The rain started as we went to bed about 10:30 and a huge crash of thunder woke us at 3 am but it was all quiet when we woke again at 7:15 but with 95% humidity I’m not expecting today’s wash to dry much but we can’t have it all unfortunately!


  1. Thank you for the mention. One day we'll meet for long enough to say hello properly.


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