Sunday 10 April 2016

Staying a while ...

 Hemel has changed yet again ...
The town centre has been in the throes of redevelopment for over 12 months and it looks as if it’s nearly complete.  There’s lots of interest for families to visit and bring business into its centre.  It’s a great idea.
 This lovely bronze sculpture of child gymnasts is actually a water feature.  I’d love to see it in action.
For more information on Hemel’s redevelopment click here
Yesterday afternoon whilst sunning ourselves on the back deck along came the yellow peril Lillyanne with Pip and Mick.  We knew they were moored just above Hemel so expected them at some stage of the weekend.  It was good to meet you both and have the opportunity for a short chat.  Hope you reach London in time and have a great party.


  1. I haven't been to Hemel for more years than I care to think, Carol. It looks nothing like I remember, but then that's not much! I love the Yellow Peril! Do you have a cruising plan or do you just potter around wherever you feel like going?

    1. Hi Val, we have always got a very flexible cruising plan. It’s called summer and winter and is always very flexible. We spent out summer on the Thames and the winter on the Grand Union and got as far north as Cowroast, Herts but because of stoppages and the need to be back at Uxbridge for boat blacking in April we decided to winded there and came south again and go into London instead. After that it was back onto the GU and we’re currently whiling away time here in the Hemel area where we’re registered at the dentist and temporarily with a local GP (? high cholesterol!). After our blacking we’ll continue to head south back to the Thames - provided that it’s not in flood that’s where we’ll potter about all summer. Life is good Val.

    2. It sounds very good indeed, Carol. Wonderful, in fact.


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