Tuesday 19 April 2016

Change of mind

After discussion and an telephone conversation on Sunday evening it was decided that we should move on Monday from our lovely mooring at Grove Park as there is a chance that we’ll be able to meet up with our son for a few hours later on Tuesday.  The following three photos were taken a 7am Monday morning before we set off ...
 It’s such a lovely place in the sunshine!

We’re not going far though, about a mile and two locks, that’s all.
 First one, Cassiobury top lock has the boaters’ gold and this will be the 4th time we’ve been able to collect some of the wood.

George all prepared with chain saw deciding which pieces will be manageable.

Down Cassiobury bottom lock and we soon pull in to moor in another of our most favourite places

During the afternoon George expended all his energy sawing and chopping the wood and I helped him to store most of it away in our roof wood box to allow it to dry out over the summer ready for use when winter dawns once more. 

Views from Still Rockin’ this morning.


  1. Lovely photos again, Carol. The light is stunning. It all looks so peaceful and idyllic.


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