Thursday 10 March 2016

London day 12

Was wet, wet, wet! Apart from popping to Tesco’s for bread and fruit and veg, and of course for Molly’s needs we stayed tucked up on Still Rockin’.

There’s not been much movement of boats in the basin the past few days except for those slipping out for services in the evenings and returning to moor.  We’re impressed with the cleanliness of Merchant Square, the workers here are doing a good job keeping the area including the water free from debris.

I’ve been busy catching up with outstanding jobs including our boat log which I had let slip for a few months, well for over 6-months to be honest, but I’m nearly finished now and will soon be able to look at how we fared in 2015 compared to 2014 so far as diesel usage and budgets are concerned.

Just one more day here and we’re on the move again.

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