Monday 22 February 2016

On the move

The weather forecast last night was for light rain this morning until lunch time, but it was dry when we got up and checked the forecast again. Now it was telling us that the rain was done and it was going to be sunny ….. it lied!
 10 past 9 and we’re ready for the off, it’s dull, not too cold and dry
 First down to the Slough Arm to wind (turn the boat around) and on the way back called at the Sanitary Station to use the facilities when it also started to rain!
Just the one lock today at Cowley, it was empty when I arrived with just one gate to open
 The top gates are very leaky and the arch you can see in the lock is to allow the water in to fill the lock when the paddles are opened
 … and here comes Still Rockin’ from around the corner
 Still Rockin’ gets shut in
 … and there comes the water from the side sluices
 The pound (stretch of water on a canal between locks) above Cowley Lock has a more or less continuous line of moored boats on both sides and the going is very slow.  It rained off and on and the temperature started to drop too.
 We’d not noticed this gun emplacement before
This is our aim today, Denham Marina for diesel and coal.  We had to wait a little while as there was already a boat on the fuel pump and by this time we were both cold.  Once we’d refuelled we decided that we’d stay in this area, light the fire, have lunch, get warm again and see what tomorrow holds.
And this is the view from our window, a rather nice Art Deco office building with a rather strange facade!

Whilst we’ve been on the move I’ve put a couple of load through the washing machine and once we’d moored up the sun came out and I was able to get the washing almost dry.

A good days cruising.


  1. Hi Carol and George
    The Parexel deco building was actually built in 1991! I had been puzzled about it's pvc windows so did a bit of internet hunting on it last year. Pip NB Lilliyanne

    1. Thanks Pip, did you put the results of your internet search on your blog?

    2. Think I did, I'll try and see which post it was

    3. Not much in my blog, but here is a link to the buildings history, this is the most detailed thing I could find about it.

  2. Keep that fire going 24/7. Not enough sun yet to keep molly warm.

    1. Will do Les, it’s -5 as I write this 06:30!! Hope you two are coping okay. As you say, stay warm. xx


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