Monday 28 December 2015

Shepherds warning and a change of plan

Our start this morning was not as early as we’d have liked but the extra half-hour in bed was welcome!
07:45 a real shepherds warning sky although I always thought that the expression meant snow on the way but not today, it’s been a grand day! 
 20 to 9 and we’re ready to reverse up Cowroast Lock and use the services, I walked ahead to set the lock
There’s a large round of wood stopping the gate from opening fully
George has managed to clear it and pushes the gate back to the wall.  You may just be able to see the wood in the bottom lefthand corner of the photo (click to enlarge if you want to).

 Forsythia an early spring flowering shrub!

Our plans have changed … originally we were going to continue to cruise northwards from Cowroast waiting out the stoppages south of us until end February’ish then turn and head south again. We’ve now decided to go south beating the stoppages as we go; we need to be through Kings Langley by 11th January, Stockers Lock by 8th February and the roving bridge at Cowley Junction by 15th February.  We shall turn left at Bulls Bridge onto the Paddington Arm and hopefully spend a few weeks in the London area before retuning to the Grand Union Canal and Uxbridge for blacking Still Rockin’s bottom in April … well, that’s the plan so far; it could of course change again!
… so, going south …  Dudswell top lock
 The breeze this morning is a bit on the chilly side for Molly!
 Approaching the outskirts of Berkhamsted
 The wind has had its wicked way with this umbrella!
Cruising with the sun in our eyes!  Can’t be bad for late December!
Gas Lock 1 where I met 1927 Fellows, Morton and Clayton boat Jaguar paired with what I think is hotel boat The Floating Boater.  You may just be able to see Still Rockin’ in the distance coming towards me, it’ll be a bit tight passing each other.
I do like this bridge below Berkhamsted Lock after pulling in to top up the water tank after running a couple of wash loads on the way down.
Lots of moored boats through Berko but we found the only space, just 62.5’ long, right outside the Crystal Palace pub, not the best mooring in town, nor indeed the the best pub...
… by bridge 141with Francis Egerton’s (3rd Duke of Bridgwater) commemorative plaque.

We hope we have a quiet night! Or at least a night without incident!

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