Monday 23 November 2015


-5 when we went to bed on Saturday night, -6.7 when we got up yesterday morning!
Ready to start the day just after 8am.  Ice on the puddles and frost on the grass.  That’s George in his red cold weather coat setting the first of 9 locks today.  That’ll keep us warm!
 Two locks done and we’re at Apsley sanitary station getting rid of the rubbish while the water tank is filling, it took ages.
I’m walking again today and setting the locks, George is still on the water point in the distance and the sun has made itself known.
 Molly hates to be cold but will not stay inside SR where it’s warm.

Not many pictures today, too busy! Most of the locks were against us and we soon found out that we were following another wide-beam boat.  The Grand Union Canal was busy today with boats passing and at one point there were 5 boats waiting at a lock for us to come up.
Boxmoor Top lock, it was here I suggested that if there was a space above Winkwell swing bridge we’d pull over and go the the Three Horseshoes for Sunday lunch.  As it happened there wasn’t but no matter we’d planned to go up two more locks after that so we could easily walk back to the pub.  It was about 1:30 by the time we’d moored up at Bourne End; we had a cuppa, got changed and spent a very pleasant couple of hours over our meal and back to our cosy  warm boat for the evening.  It’d been a cold, busy day but a good one!


  1. I remember meeting you near Winkwell swing bridge! Happy day that was and much warmer than what you are enjoying now, Carol and George! Big hugs, Marilyn and David

    1. It was a good day Marilyn and we remembered it at the pub! Hugs back. xx


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