Thursday 12 November 2015

Autumn at Cassiobury

Woke up to blue skies today, what a change that makes.

Off for a walk through the park

Nature appears to be a little confused I’ve noticed.  A couple of days ago I saw brambles in flower and blackberries ripening and here a lone dandelion thinks it’s still summer

This Cedar of Lebanon tree which is over 100 years old has become slightly unstable so to protect the public and the tree a fence has been erected around it.
 Cassiobury Park has its woodland and open spaces together with childrens’ play areas and the Rive Gade
 A great place for dogs to exercise, look at the face of the lady in red, she’s the owner of the Irish Wolf Hound

Some trees are losing their leaves quicker than others and this one on the left appears to be growing fast at the moment

We watched a Jay attempting to catch a squirrel on the ground and two Green Wood-peckers flying from tree to tree but I was only fast enough to catch this Magpie with my camera though I did get a blurred one of the Jay to be honest!

 Love these pictures of this chubby squirrel peeping round the tree
 Sunshine and Shadows 
Fallen leaves
 … and home again.


  1. Cassiobury is a delight in all seasons, but I should think it is particularly nice when all the canal traffic has slowed to a trickle. I'll bet Molly absolutely loves the park with all its wild nature smells.

    On the permanent offside moorings just above Cassiobury Bridge lock, the very first boat moored closest to the lock should be one belonging to our elderly friend Maynard Biggins. He is in his 90's and in better shape then me! Maynard was born on a farm in the hamlet of Biggins Yorkshire. He didn't want to be a farmer so away he went to make his fortune. He worked as a mechanical engineer on Rolls Royce engines and he built his boat himself. He is a bit deaf, but should you see him out and about on his bicycle please give him our best.
    Love Jaq xxx

    1. Hi Jaq, if the weather isn’t too bad tomorrow we’ll have a walk up to have a look.

  2. Beautiful photos, they really show the Autumn colours off well

  3. Lovely pictures Carol, that camera's working well!

    1. It is Geoff, I’m really pleased with it. x

  4. Lovely place and lovely pictures as always. As a previous owner of 3 lurchers, there is nothing quite like the sight of a running hound!

  5. Hi Carol, lovely photos as usual! Hope you're all well. Love to you all. Sandra xxx

    1. Thanks Sandra, we’re well thanks. Hope you’re keeping well and safe in this horrible weather. xx


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