Tuesday 17 November 2015

A short cruise

No point staying at yesterday’s mooring as the bow was too far away from the bank to get the logs off to cut, so we set off just after 8 this morning. We were not going far, just under a mile and 3 locks (which happened to turn into 4!)
First lock of the day at Nash Mills and the builders have a problem as part of the security/safety fencing has fallen but they managed to rescue it before we passed by
 After all the years it’s taken to build these apartments it’s good to see that some are now being lived in

 We stopped inside Nash Mill’s top lock for 15 minutes to use the water tap which is situated at the head of the lock to fill the tank
 This is a strange, tall craft, he must have the same problem with arched bridges that we have

It was our intention to moor above Apsley bottom lock but were disappointed on rising up the lock to find that there were none available, nor was there a space on the Sainsbury mooring either.  We descended the lock again in reverse to a space by Navigation Bridge, it’s not ideal but allows us to do a bit of shopping and for George to attend a dental appointment in Hemel Hempstead.

I got soaking wet visiting Dunelm for some new throws for the sofas but George managed to stay dry when he visited Homebase.
 Our view from the deck
Just after 4pm the wind is blowing a hooley and the last of the brief spells of sun is catching the scudding clouds.


  1. You really are copping some rotten weather at the moment; it looks like we'll be going from shirts to thermals on Sunday; -1 forecast!! That'll be a shock to the system x

    1. And I thought it was sunshine all the way in your current neck of the wood! Stay warm and safe. x


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