Wednesday 14 October 2015

Moving on to Mednemham

 Leaving our meadow mooring at Henley on Monday in bright sunshine and a very cold breeze
 I love the settings for these properties
 Magna Carta hotel boat taking advantage of good moorings for its customers
 A very elegant folly built originally as a fishing lodge in 1771 for Fawley Court

In the Doomsday Book Fawley Court is recorded in 1056 as being held by Earl Tosti
 The wonderfully wide Thames
 … has far reaching views here too
 Molly is not amused at that bitingly cold wind!
 A sharp right turn to the only lock today at Hambledon
 If you’ve got a cool £3,450,000 to spare this 4-bed thatched cottage with annex and mooring can be yours!
Passing Culham Court on the hill a short time before putting our pins in on the meadow at Mednemham.

The wind was still strong and bitterly cold so we sat in the shelter of the bow with the warmth from the sun penetrating our ‘conservatory’ and enjoyed a cuppa tea and a biscuit and watched the wildlife.

Mallards, Terns and adults and a young Grebe
These Mallards made me laugh later, I saw them through the window they were taking a walk past the boat so I picked up my camera and went out onto the deck
… they all stopped in surprise and looked at each other seemingly asking what to do now … they flew away!

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