Saturday 3 October 2015

A walk to Lower Basildon

Went for a slow walk yesterday to strengthen my back, we know that there is a church somewhere here
Across the meadow we went, through the kissing gate and over the next field, turned left into a lane and came to a junction and car park where this notice is displayed.  It’s difficult to read (click to enlarge) but gives information re injured swans and suggests a call to 01753 859397 obviously I’m not sure how old the notice is or if the number is still available but may be worth a try if this situation occurs.

To the left of the junction is the now redundant Church of St Bartholomew’s a 700-year old flint and brick building which is allowed to hold up to six services each year.  The final one for this year is the Harvest Festival on Sunday which follows an exhibition of paintings (see below) by a Polish artist and in turn is followed by a hog roast harvest supper.  We shall definitely attend the exhibition but it remains to be seen if we can take Molly with us to the service and supper.
In 1886 teenagers Harold and Ernest Deverall who lived at Church Farm (the building behind the memorial) were paddling in a branch off the Thames.  They hadn’t realised that it had been deepened for sheep dipping when one of the boys got into difficulties and his brother tried to save him, sadly they both drowned.  The exhibition of paintings tomorrow will be the artists representation of what may have happened on that fateful day.

Jethro Tull famed for the perfected horse-drawn seed drill in 1701 was born in Lower Basildon and is also buried in the sealed crypt at St Bartholomew’s.

Beautiful stained glass windows dating back to around 1280
Looking towards the tower of this very simple but elegant and well kept church
The chancel
The church was in the throes of being decorated for the harvest service when we visited and the ladies were very welcoming and informative
1689 tombstone
Memorial to Sir Francis Sykes, 1st Baronet by John Flaxman who was known for his Wedgwood designs

Timber framed roof dating back to 1420

The sun through this window created a rather special light inside
Church Farm House
Walking back to the junction is the exit from Beale Park - a lovely row of old mellow buildings
and back to Still Rockin’ tucked up on the edge of the meadow
Molly has found a ‘beach’ just opposite the ferry cottage close to our mooring and enjoyed a paddle and a game of ‘fetch'
Watching the fun on the Thames from the bow when we returned.
A bbq supper was the order of the day - and it was delicious!


  1. I am sure that Molly should not be allowed to the hog roast - she would create havoc eating her way through that ...
    Not sure when you are heading back towards Cowroast/Berkhamsted, but do ask Jaq Biggs who the osteopath was that she saw there. Apparently she was very effective.
    We leave the boat on Thursday this week and we have Barry and Pauline with us again. Conversely, we are ready to go home and also sad to be going.
    Looking forward to seeing you again next year, M&Dxox

    1. Thanks for your thoughts Marilyn, my back is starting to get stronger now so I think I’m on the road to recovery at last. We’ve followed your blog and can see how much you’ve enjoyed your cruising this year, make the most of the last week with good friends on board, have a good journey home and yes, we also hope to meet up again next year; we’ll be here on the Thames again. xx


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