Sunday 30 August 2015

Into Windsor with friends

We’ve known Jennifer and Andy for over 40 years and it was good to see them once again. Yesterday we walked into Windsor
… and wait, who’s that over on the Brocas?  We called and waved frantically but we weren’t sure they’d recognised us even when they half-heartedly waved back!  They certainly didn’t expect to be seeing anyone they knew! We did manage to contact them later via their blog and will meet up with them sometime today.
Jen and I left the boys talking gadgets whilst we had a look around the craft shops.
Queen Victoria and Windsor Castle

We walked over Windsor Bridge into Eton High Street yesterday evening passing Eton's oldest (at least 15th century) building.  There is apparently documented evidence of the building in 1464 when it was owned by a benefactor of Eton College.

The timber framed building was until recently known as the Tiger Garden Restaurant and formally The Cock Pit because of its knucklebone floor found in an outhouse at the rear. In times past it was thought that the outhouse was used as an abattoir or for cock fighting to which Charles II attended.  In the 17th century the inn had been known as the Adam and Eve.

Alongside the building there is an original Victorian  post box and in front what appears to be stocks for two people! Click on the link for photo taken in 1929.

A little further along was this very interesting gated row of cottages,  I wonder who lives there?
The meal in the 300 year old Prince George Inn which is, by the way dog friendly, was excellent and we shall certainly come here again in the future.  Afterwards we returned to Still Rockin’ for an appropriate Eton Mess dessert and to listen to a mix of music.  All in all, a great couple of days with very good friends.


  1. Yes definitely a case of Dumb and Dumber! So lovely to have caught up again, and no we had no inkling of seeing anyone here we knew....

    Lisa & David

    1. I’m not sure if we would have waved at a couple of shouting and waving idiots we didn’t know either, or even those that we did!


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