Sunday 9 August 2015

A good evening ...

... and a busy day too!  Both Still Rockin' and No Problem had Tesco deliveries first thing and then it took ages to sort it and put it all away. 
The view through the kitchen window as I pack the meat for the freezer.

I received a text from Adam (nb Briar Rose) to ask we'd like visitors today, of course we did! We're planning a barbecue later with Sue and Vic as they were expecting family later too. It was good to see Adam and Adrian again. No pictures though of said bbq, I was too busy fetching and carrying! See Bria Roses' blog for a line-up of  all the reprobates!

Adrian spotted that there was 'something going on with Woking CND' at the stern of Still Rockin'
So I went to have a look
They come here every year
... and release night-lights in grapefruit or orange skins 
... on the anniversary of Hiroshima 
9 pm and the candles are floating down river. 

So it's been a busy but very enjoyable day in excellent company, it doesn't get much better than that!

A quick mention to nb Smyne who passed us yesterday morning and informed us that they'd been reading our blogs for the last three years, good to meet you both albeit very briefly!


  1. Hi Carole and George, If you walk forward from your boat, under the footbridge you will find nb Tentatrice and nb Cleddau! We stopped and chatted with Sue this morning. When you return do pop along and say 'hello' - we have an ever ready kettle and Molly would be welcome as well. Jennie

  2. Thanks for stopping by this evening Jennie, sorry we couldn't come by later


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