Tuesday 4 August 2015

A difficult day

On Sunday as I published my previous post to the blog our Apple MacBook Pro had a 'dickie-fit', the screen went haywire and then went white! Kaput!!  What was I now going to do? 
I have an iPad but it has no facility to accept photos from my camera's memory card so I can't use my camera either! Oh, bugger!!  I'll have to use the iPad to take my pictures (I have to admit I find it rather strange seeing people carrying an iPad around snapping pictures, they sure so cumbersome!). I had assumed that I would be able to post on the blog using the full-blown Blogger application, but of course it was not that easy!  George solved my problem for me by finding the app for mobiles, brilliant. Then I had to learn to use it and you'll see from this post that I've not got it quite right yet!  To start with I'm a 'touch-typist', so this one finger malarkey is driving me nuts; secondly I can't alter the picture sizing or adjust the format of text, so you'll have to forgive the look of my posts until I can get back to a proper machine!  .....

Anyway yesterday morning ..... 
we left our mooring we left our mooring at about nine thirty and descended Shepperton Lock
... Turning sharp right towards the trees
... into the mouth of the River Wey and Thames Lock
... weed on the prop already but a chuck-back did the trick
... passing some nice properties, this one is for sale
Under the bridge and a long curve into Town Lock. There were boats coming down one of which had a very nervous lady at the tiller who was having a tough time negotiating this bend from the lock
Leaving Town Lock
Hope Ray on nb Stronghold sees this as I have no idea how to put a link on here to his blog!
Coxes Lock where George did a brilliant job getting Still Rockin' off the bank and into the lock against the strong current
Seen on the Wey! (Sorry couldn't resist!)
Some lovely houses and gardens edge the river
Just after 1pm things went a bit wrong here at New Haw Lock ... I stepped off the bow with the rope as Geroge was pulling in and walked until he brought in the stern so that I could secure the boat. I stepped towards the bollard which you can see is at an angle which had created a hollow behind it into which me foot went twisting my right ankle quite badly and had me sitting on the bank!  I was ok, I could put my weight on the foot but was limping a bit as I walked.
A bit narrow in places too!
Under the M3 and passing the start of the Basingstoke Canal
2:15 and my ankle is starting to swell, oops!
It took another two hours to get to our destination for the night at Pyrford, we were exhausted!
We expected a challeng and we're certainly having one so far .... It's taken us nearly 5 hours to do 5 miles and 5 locks - one lock mile per hour!
Taken this morning from our mooring at Pyrford before setting off again ... less than a mile today and just one lock.
If I hadn't hurt myself we'd have had a meal here last night. Not to worry .... On the way back perhaps!
Well it took us just over an hour to our rendezvous with Sue and Vic at Walsham Gates just as it started to spit with rain!  I've spent the day with my leg raised and my ankle in a compression bandage.  We shall stay here tomorrow too so that I can rest it ready to continue our challenge on the Wey.

Sorry about the underscore, I've not got a clue where it came from or how to get rid of it!

So, that's it for now, I'm going to press 'publish'... fingers crossed, here we go!


  1. If it's the free Blogger app you're using, then I can tell you it's absolutely hopeless. I've now invested three or four pounds (can't remember exact,y how much) in the Blogsy app, and it's brilliant. Positioning photos, inserting links, even embedding videos are all very easy. I also got an adaptor thing that plugs into my iPad and takes my camera card -- not the £25 Apple one, but one from China off eBay at 89p. I don't think I'll ever need to use the laptop for blogs ever again! If you're going to be without yours for any length of time, Blogsy is the way to go.

    1. Thanks Adam, I'll certainly look into those two suggestions. When we get to Guildford George will take the train to Reading to see if he can get the air book fixed. Thanks again.

  2. I applaud your determination through adversity to ensure your
    regular readers/followers/stalkers (delete as appropriate) can
    keep up to date with your exploits...

    Oh and I hope your ankle feels better soon too ;)

  3. Oops, that looks sore! I remember doing mine in Germany, however many years back, I put a photo on Facebook, it took ages to go down! And I quite like the underlining!!!! 😆 love you. Xxxx

    1. Hi Sandra, my ankle is a bit less swollen this morning so I'm hopeful that it's on the mend now. Love you toooo! x

  4. Carol that ankle looks painful. I hereby put you on tiller duty, no locks or mooring duties.
    Have you been feeding your PC the wrong apples again.
    Les/Jaq xx

    1. The ankle is slightly less swollen today so hopefully I'm on the road to recovery and as we don't have a tiller I'll have to spin that wheel! I've told George that crab apples are no good for pc's but he won't listen!! Regards to you both, stay well. xx


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