Friday 24 July 2015

To the Palace

We left our mooring at Kingston just before 10 yesterday passing Jakandan, we met briefly last year and hopefully we see them again so that we can find out what it’s like to spend a winter on the river.
It was a lovely sunny day and we needed eyes in the backs of our heads with all the rowers coming up behind us and passing across our bows!
 A pretend galleon!
 The palace bridge
 … and a mooring spot just our size - lucky us!
 Two River Rescue boats moving a house boat
 Off for a walk towards the palace, I wonder if there will be a permanent barrier between the new railings and the footpath?
We are of course at Hampton Court.

We walked around the gardens and then into the park later, but I’ll save those pictures for my next blog as we won’t be going far today it’s absolutely throwing it down and cold too I’ve resorted to jeans and long sleeved top today, and socks!! Hope it’s not too bad where you are.


  1. Sunny here in Sheffield at the moment!

    1. Lucky you Rachel! Perhaps it’s coming your way next. x


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