Friday 12 June 2015

Knashers and peepers ….

From the stern deck just after 8pm - lovely!

You may remember that George broke a tooth (crown) back in March and on our return from Scotland started treatment in Hemel Hempstead.  The dentist, on removing the post, found that there was a serious infection which had accumulated in the space around the crown's ‘post’ over the 20-odd years it had been in place (it was actually a good thing that the tooth was knocked out when it was because it could have caused very serious damage to his jaw and his health). 

So, on Wednesday it was time for the dentist to put an implant into his upper jaw (he’d previously had x-rays to confirm that there was sufficient depth in the bone between his teeth and his nose to take the implanted post).  Under local anaesthetic his upper gum was cut to approximately ½” either side of the site and the dentist removed all the fibrous tissue that was the infection and this was when it was confirmed how serious the infection could have become.  The dentist then implanted a post (artificial root) into the upper jaw and topped it with a cap which will be removed eventually for the post (abutment in the picture below) to allow the ‘tooth’ to be fitted in 10 weeks time.  

George’s mouth is sore, the stitches are catching on the inside of this mouth above his lips and the area is rather swollen.  He has antibiotics to take and must wear the previously provided denture when eating to keep the area as clean as possible and because it’s a front tooth he can’t ‘bite’ as it’s too painful and he has to be very careful not to knock the area as it could dislodge the implant.  So at the moment he’s eating food that doesn’t have much substance to it at all!  He’s hungry and not a happy bunny!

On a lighter note ….
View from the bow yesterday morning.

Yesterday we went to the opthalmologist with Molly and good news!  The drops she’s been having for the past three months have restored some sight to her right eye, kept the eye pressure in the normal range and have prevented any further damage with regard to the glaucoma and displaced lens.  We will still need to return for regular checkups especially to measure the pressure in both eyes, but hey, brilliant news!

Would have liked to sit outside the Paper Mill for a meal but as George is having trouble eating it wouldn’t be much fun for him, may be next time.

We shall stay here in Apsley until my next physio appointment next week, it’s a lovely mooring especially in the sunshine but I understand that rain, hail, thunder and lightening is on its way today!  George says ‘bring it on!"


  1. Good news about Molly then. But poor old George is suffering. I once had a serious tooth infection. Several teeth were pulled out. I have now nearly recovered from a bowel infection. It seems all the bad stuff goes on down through the tubes! Chas

  2. Oh dear, I hope George feels a bit better soon, perhaps when the infection eases up! 10 weeks seems a long time but let's hope it passes quickly!
    Glad Molly has a bit of sight back, fingers crossed she gets even more back, she still seems content.
    Good luck with your physio, and hope everything goes OK.
    Love to you all. Xxxx


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