Sunday 28 June 2015

Cassiobury Park, Watford

This is one of our favourite moorings, walks in the park, people, boat and wild life to watch ...
 On their way to the next performance
 Just balls of down!
This has been the weekend for the Grand Union Challenge - 100k run, jog or walk from the start of the GU Canal in London to it’s end in Birmingham.  Cassiobury Park is the halfway point.

Nowhere near 100k for us though yesterday, just a gentle walk around the park and wildlife centre ...

Yesterday it was a hot one and the park paddling pools were busy, lots of noise and splashing, lots of fun.
I’ve been inspired by Irene’s wild life photography and although my camera is small but has all the bells and whistles I’ve never got the hang of ISO and Aperture, Exposure, Macro etc, but thought I’d have a go when I saw this tiny moth on the inside of the bathroom porthole (I’m not a person who goes hunting for bugs though) the picture was taken on IA (intelligent auto!) Rather pleased with it!


  1. I'm very flattered that you mentioned me in your blog. Thank you so much. Very good picture of the moth considering you didn't have a macro lens. Has your camera got a closeup facility? Many of my photos are taken with the dial set to the flower icon. Once again many thanks. Looking forward meeting one day on our travels.Xxx

    1. Hello Irene, you’re very welcome! Yes I’ve got a flower motive on the camera and next time I’m close enough to a ‘small thing’ I’ll give it a go …. watch this space! xx

  2. Hi, seems plenty going on where you are, the park looks lovely. I've enjoyed looking at the photo on Facebook and trying to work out who's who. Think it's sorted now. Wonder if anyone has any more we can see.
    Love it if anyone had one of mum and dad's wedding but not holding my breath!
    Love to you all, keep well and enjoy your floating! Xxxx

    1. Hi Sandra, I think Win and Ted have some. It’s time I gave Lynne a call so I’ll ask her. xx

  3. I've been looking at old photos today and trying to put information on the backs, surprising how few names I know. I know more about dates, marriages and such due to Ancestry than I do the names! If that makes sense! Keep well. Xxxx


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