Sunday 24 May 2015

Going for water and noisy fish!

The weather forecast told us that Thursday was a good day to go for water 1 ¼ miles and 3 locks there and of course the same back.  We started off fairly early (for us anyway) at 8:15 thinking that it wouldn’t be too busy and I walked on to set Sewer Lock 58 and waited for Still Rockin’ to arrive.
There were similar notices on locks 58 and 56 except that on Top Side Lock (56) it also stated that it was due to be repaired  during the 2016/17 winter maintenance plan, that's a long time to wait and it probably only applies to the one lock!
 I think this was the chamber of lock 58 - a bit of a mess indeed.

There were quite a few boats on the move two of them following us and of course I lifted a paddle as we left.

We arrived at the water-point and filled the tank and we then had to reverse back to the top lock, but by then the boats behind us had caught up and they informed us that there were another two following close behind so we waited for them to pass.  Then a boat came towards us who also said that two boats were following him so we waited for a few minutes and when they didn’t appear George put the stern against the opposite bank, I got off to walk to the lock 
... whilst he reversed Still Rockin’
 … squeezing between two moored boats and one ‘hovering’ boat

 He made a good job of getting the bow into the winding hole (turning point) and completing the turn.  It was 12:45 by the time we put the pins in again opposite Pix Farm.

George had repainted beneath the gunwale on the ‘other’ side on Tuesday and so yesterday was able to to do this side.  The stern and the bow are going to be a bit more difficult.
Since we returned to our mooring we’ve heard what sounds like water being poured into the canal on the towpath side and couldn’t understand what it was.  The noise had even woken us up a couple of times during Thursday night.  Today we discovered what it was … FISH!  They are spawning against the bank alongside the boat and the pouring water sound is when they’re thrashing about doing their ‘stuff’, there were loads and loads of them!

We’re on the move again tomorrow back to Hemel, I’ve a dental appointment on Tuesday and physio again on Wednesday.

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