Thursday 30 April 2015

There and back again and then a funny thing happened!

Since my last post on Sunday, we’ve cruised up the Grand Union to Winkwell (Bourne End) for a couple of days then winded and returned to Hemel Hempstead to take advantage of mooring on the ‘opposite side’ for George to wash and polish that side of Still Rockin’.  We’ve also been down the canal just as far as Sainsburys at Apsley to use the facilities there, catch up on laundry, return up the lock and fill the water tank once more and return to Hemel  for George’s second dental appointment.

Moored opposite the services were ...
C&RT tug Snowdrop with a funnel??

… and this dutch barge, it looks far to big to have come through Boxmore lock bridge!

George’s dental treatment went okay, the dentist has removed the post from the broken crown and drained the infection from the gum and he came home with a lovely smile albeit from a small denture which he determined is not forever.  He’s decided he will have a tooth implanted into the gum and that will need a few more appointments over the next few weeks.  He’s also got a project on the go and wants to be near to B&Q for a few days, but more of that later.
We were surprised to hear the thump-thump of an old engine passing us this morning at 7:30 and delighted to see motor boat Kangaroo towing butty Australia on their way to London and the Little Venice Cavalcade taking place this weekend.

And the funny thing that happened?   During the night I woke up when I heard something; lying awake but not with my eyes open I realised that the porthole bung at the end of the bed had fallen out and lay there trying to figure out which side of the boat was on the towpath but not too bothered as it was still not yet light.  Unbeknown to me it had also woken George who was a bit quicker than me to realise that that was the towpath side and got up quickly to replace it!  Could have been embarrassing an hour or so later!


  1. Tracked you down again, at last. New boat looks a cracker and a handful too, I guess. Will be travelling with you both again. Best, Iain

  2. Hello, glad you're OK , lovely pictures as usual, quite jealous of your ever changing view! But love you. Xxxx

    1. Love you too. George just reminded me - it was your anniversary on Wednesday .. really sorry I forgot. Hoping you had a great day. xx

  3. Thank you, we went out for a meal, very nice, and wine!

  4. It seems that you’re having a wonderful time so far. That being said, it’s good that the infection finally got drained from the gums. That must’ve been a huge relief for him. At the very least, all he has to worry about now is the upcoming dental implant. Anyway, thanks for sharing your adventures with us. I hope the procedure for the implant goes well!

    Eunice Greer @ Downtown Dental SC


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