Friday 24 April 2015

Moving on

 Well, we’ve certainly seen some lovely weather this past week or so; the picture above was at 6am a few days ago at the start of another sunny day.

To accommodate my physio appointments over the next 6 weeks and George’s dental treatment (however long that may take), all in Hemel Hempstead, we’ve written to C&RT to advise them that we wish to be in Hemel on the appointment days but to move from Hemel on the ‘other’ days which would mean that we’d not overstay in any one place but would cruise within a limited distance to enable us to return to Hemel as necessary.  We’ve not heard anything back from them yet, but hope that they will look favourably on our plans.
And so this morning we moved on … the first lock of the day at The Fisheries pub
 … where I noticed for the first time the unusually shaped side pond
 Just a couple of miles and three locks later we’re hoping to get a mooring beyond the swing-bridge at Winkwell

 Mission accomplished!
(although we did move a tiny plastic cruiser a couple of feet to get in)
It’s always good to meet blog readers and whilst sitting with a cuppa on the deck once moored up Alastair came along the towpath.  He lives in Hemel and often walks along the canals and recognised the boat, he was invited aboard for a cuppa and we had an interesting conversation including politics and the coming election and how the canalsides have changed over the years.  It was lovely to meet you today Alastair.

We’re off to the pub later for a meal and tomorrow we move on once again.  Our next appointment is for George on Wednesday.


  1. Hi Carol, George & Molly,
    Have your read this recent blog by nb Valerie, it contains information
    and contact details that might be of use in your current situation... :)


    1. Thanks Kevin, we decided that we’d put the information in an email in this instance with all the appointment dates as there were so many. We read Les and Jaq’s blog regularly and have all the contact details to hand. hope that you aww keeping well, xx


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