Tuesday 31 March 2015

Rain and wind … a walk in the park!

We enjoyed the weekend at Cassiobury and of course we found time between the showers to go for a walk round the park ...

Ornamental trees … I mean ornaments in the trees on the towpath
The Beech trees are coming into bud
… and the trees look as magnificent as ever!
Busy cleaning up the children’s water play area, perhaps they’re hoping for some warm weather this Easter!
A beautiful sunrise on Monday at 6:30, it’s another early start for us
A good example of bad mooring! Although to be honest I think his front pin has came adrift and perhaps some kind walker has done the best they could in the circumstances and fastened his middle rope to the seat.  His rear pin was intact but there was no one onboard as we passed.
Some historic boats seen today ...
            Rigal            Elstree            Asterope

                   Coronis          Cantley (not registered)          Indus

… and some unusual boats.  “Dunravin!’ They must be feeling their age!

It’s a lovely area around Lot Mead Lock ...
and busy with moored boats on the way to Coppermill Lock
… where the wharf buildings are being transformed into a very pretty terrace of houses
… and the slalom course made our cruise past just a bit hairy!
We moored up for the night just past The Coy Carp pub.

This morning we really were not looking forward to our cruising but needs must.  The forecast is gusting wind up to 49 mph and the chance of some fairly vicious though brief showers.  Fortunately  we are travelling south and the wind is WNW which means it'll blow roughly against our right shoulder and not broadside!
Leaving our mooring at half seven
 … and the hedgerows are keeping the worst of the wind away
 Just two locks today … Black Jack's
 … where the crocodile still lurks and where just after we saw ...
 these goslings and ducklings, what a lovely sight that was!
Second and last lock at Widewater, our destination is just below here
 Molly’s been quite happy sheltered from the wind on top of the gas locker today.
 The view from the bow at our mooring in Harefield Marina.
Even though the wind is blowing a real hooley the temperature on the roof is nearly 24 degrees C!

Off on our hols tomorrow!


  1. Have you got your remote sensor fastened directly to the roof?

    This surely gives some very misleading readings?

    We keep ours in the engine bay as we bought it for winter use really to check that the engine bay is staying well above freezing during the winter.

    1. The sensor is on the rood through one of the mushroom vents so it probably does distort the temperature but the sun does need to be fairly strong to heat the roof so it’s probably not too far off.


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