Sunday 1 March 2015

On a lighter note

We’ve decided to turn round on Monday and head back as quickly as we can to Tring to get Molly back to the vet. Click here

My original blog for Friday was our walk into Pitstone for groceries ...
 After all the rain on Thursday the sunset was another stunner as the temperature plummeted and it was -3 when we were up at 7 o’clock this morning
The sun rising
 … threw long shadows and light over the field and into the hedgerow
 10am and C&RT contractors hedge cutting as we set out for Pitstone about a mile and half away.  They warned us that they would start the grass cutting on the towpath on Monday - another good reason to be gone by then!
 Good views away from the muddy towpath

 … and a sunken boat between the railway swing bridges, looks like the plastic shroud is leaking, I hope it’s removed before it sinks and becomes more of a hazard to boaters.
 Molly waiting for us to catch up
 … as we cross the swing bridge and continue down the lane
View on the way back to Still Rockin’.


  1. Hi Carol & George
    So sorry to hear of Molly's eye problem, but they are amazing how they whizz from really sad to 'absolutely nothing wrong with me now', fingers crossed that the vets sort her out and you kept up with the pet insurance payments.
    Lovely nostalgic photos as always. Love Mac & Jac

    1. Thanks both for you comments, just read your latest posting Mac - we just need to see you both on the road now! best regards xx

  2. Hi, we went past the sunken boat early last week and it was much lower in the water then, up to it's gunnels! We can't remember seeing any of the plastic sheeting at all. Maybe someone is doing something about it.
    Pip and Mick NB Lillyanne

    1. Hi, we wondered if the plastic had been there a while, but was leaking, so you’re probably right, someone does seem to be doing something about it! Good!

    2. Do you have a nb Lillyanne blog?

    3. Only just seen this, and noticed that you've found our blog.
      Hope all goes well at the eye vets. It is horrible to have a poorly furry friend. My cat Houdini moved on board with us last July just after being diagnosed with a tumour. She adapted really well and loved her 6 months on board.

    4. Thank you for your kind thoughts - will update probably tomorrow. x


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