Sunday 8 March 2015

Dunstable Downs

We took advantage of still having the hire car on Thursday and took a drive to Dunstable Downs, it was a glorious day, a bit windy on the top of the hill but the sun was warm and you could see for miles and miles!  I’ll let the pictures tell the story, click on any of them to enlarge.
All in all a lovely day and Molly thoroughly enjoyed herself too.


  1. Great place for walking the dog and a cup of tea in the visitor centre.

    1. It certainly is Dave! We also noticed plenty of bus stops around there so next time we’re in the area we’ll suss them out. best wishes.

  2. Spent many an hour on Dunstable Downs when I was a child, also visiting Whipsnade Zoo. I remember they used to do hang gliding off the ridge at the top. Always really windy up there!

    Hope everything works out for Molly.

    1. We did see hang gliders up there and yes it really was windy up there. Visit to the vet specialist tomorrow, so far, so good!


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