Thursday 15 January 2015

Talk about timing!


We left our mooring at Hunton Bridge just after 9 on Tuesday morning, it was very cold again but the sun was wonderfully warm on our backs

… at least we were on the move not like the traffic above on the exit from the M25!

Being at the wheel means not a lot of opportunity for taking photos except whilst in or waiting for locks but I was enjoying the experience!

Didn’t manage to get the camera ready soon enough for this squirrel but I’ve not seen how the tail is used before.

Approaching Nash Mills Lock and the sky is starting to darken.  We decided to take advantage of the water tap at the lock and were once more on our way

… what with more wide beams than you can shake a stick at and other boats moored close to bridge holes

… but this one looks familiar … it Jules fuel boats moored near

… BWML’s Apsley Marina, it looks like a nice place with all amenities.

Arrived at our mooring at Sainsbury’s at Apsley just before midday and low and behold 10 minutes later it was blowing a gale and the rain hammered down!

Talk about timing!!

Wednesday was another early start, once again the weather is forecast to turn from sunshine to rain about lunchtime.  We took advantage of the facilities at Apsley sanitary station before continuing

Coming into Lock 65 Frogmore End

Hemel Hempstead with its assorted building styles against the backdrop of clear blue sky

… and also over the green this lovely church spire/bell tower although I’ve been unable to find out what the church is.
Doing well again today, a great cruise and we’re nearly at our destination by 11:30 not having not passed another moving boat all morning, until we’d moored up at Winkwell opposite the Three Horseshoes pub that is, when a wide beam came through the swing bridge and a narrowboat came down the lock
… and we’d got the whole space to ourselves, not seen this here before today.

Talk about timing - it’s all gone our way over the past few days, but I’m not sure that nature’s timing is on the ball ...

… spring blossom yesterday at Apsley
… daffodils in a canalside garden at Hemel
… and catkins here at our mooring … 
is spring just round the corner?

1 comment:

  1. Hi, lovely photos as usual, and some lovely sunshine! Are you getting use to your new home? I bet it's a bit different to manoeuvre but so much room. Hope you're all well,talk soon. Love Sandra. SFX


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