Thursday 4 December 2014

A good cruising day

 We woke up to a glorious day yesterday, cold but bright as it could be!
George walked over to Tesco just before we left and returned with
 ... this lovely bunch of flowers - for no reason at all!  I can’t remember the last time he did that!
 We left our mooring about 10:30; not far to go today

A feeding frenzy ahead

  ... at the awful Uxbridge Road Visitor Moorings where a cyclist dinged her bell at the swans who took no notice whatsoever

... I noticed though that she was loath to put her feet on the ground!

 ... and as soon as we’d passed by the birds all returned.
 10 past 11 and we were in sight of our destination at Bulls Bridge where we’ve stopped for water and a big shop!
Just to make you smile ... this is Molly as I write, spread-eagled over the back of the sofa ... completely relaxed!


  1. Hi Carol & George,

    Just wanted to say thanks for your comment and yes you were right, that was a good moment, launch party sometime in January I hope. Still sorry that we missed yours back in June.

    We follow your travels regularly and enviously and hopefully we will drive up in the New Year, to visit before you get too far North. Have a great wide beam Christmas.

    Love Mac & Jacquie

    1. Hi Both! I know what it’s like, George built a kit car way back when and every bit of completed work was a triumph! We’d love to see you both at any time but call us first as we’re away for Christmas. I’ll put a phone number on your blog - not for publication of course! xx


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