Wednesday 10 December 2014

A bit more than he could chew!

Carrying on from my post of yesterday I have now managed to upload the kingfisher video that I was having problems with.  Again I mention that the quality is not brilliant as it was taken through a double glazed window; it’s just 1-minute long, I hope you enjoy it.

Thanks Les for suggesting I put videos on U-Tube first but it’s something I don’t want to do.  I realised in the end that it wasn’t anything I was doing wrong, it was me having a/several senior moments before I realised that I wouldn’t know if it was working/playing or not until it was actually published!  So …. I hope it does!


  1. Wow! That should take him some time to digest! Well done!

    1. I did Geoff! I videoed him for another minute or so (too big for the blog) and he was really struggling!

  2. Brilliant. At the end it seems he was debating if he could fly with that weight on board.

    1. He sat on that branch Les for a good long time afterwards!

  3. Just a quick note to let you know that the video doesn't work with Kindle ��
    No problem seeing it with IE or Chrome though, thankfully ��

    1. Sorry about that Kevin, although I’ve no idea why or how/if I can change it!


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