Saturday 22 November 2014

Lots to do in London

We’ve walked across Hyde Park through Wellington Arch and meet the Blues and Royals returning to Horse Guards Parade after the changing of the guards at Buckingham Palace 
... where the band etc were still waiting for their ‘marching orders'

Off parade with the colour bearers and the band eventually disappears along the road back to base
Looking back at Admiralty Arch as we walk towards
... Trafalgar Square in the cold drizzle!

... and down past Horse Guards where the guards were also changing

... and then on to Downing Street (more of that later!)

We were so cold after we’d been to Westminster Palace and to take a look at Big Ben we decided to walk back to Trafalgar Square and see if it’s ok to take Molly and ourselves into St Martin’s Church (mainly for a warm and a sit down) as we had a bit of time to kill.
I do like the inside of this church and today we were sooo lucky as there is a candlelit concert tonight (last night) ‘Best of Bach, Mozart and Handel'
... and we sat at listened to them tune up and start their rehearsal with Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, it was lovely!

It set us up just right for our next assignation!
A visit to the Prime Minister’s Office.

We ended our first tour day in London meeting up with our son who was able to stay the night with us.

A great start to our London visit.


  1. Very good last photo... but it leads to three questions...
    1 - Are you good with photoshop?
    2 - Who do you know with a Parliamentary pass to get you there?
    3 - Did you shimmy over the fence while the police were on a tea break?

    Seriously though the inside of No.10 is the real eye opener, and the back garden's not too shabby either ;)

    1. Hi Kevin, thanks for the comment - the photo is genuine in every way! I would love to be able to see inside and the garden too - you appear to have done both?

    2. Yes indeed, I have been fortunate to have been inside three times and at a garden party once :)

    3. Now you’re showing off Kevin!

  2. Very impressed with Downing Street, how did you do that?

  3. Wonderful pictures! I think late November and early December are wonderful times to moor up in Paddington basin and visit London, even with the dirty weather. One cane run around all day seeing everything and then return to a warm boat and all the comforts of home. I just cannot see how you will wind Still Rockin' in that basin!!
    Jaq and LesXX

    1. George says ‘Oh she of little faith!’ Jaq! We’ll manage it - we have to!


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