Wednesday 1 October 2014

End of the road ...

After a great weekend with friends we decided to stay on Sanford Lock visitor mooring for another 24-hours.  We have decided that for this year this is as far upstream on the Thames that we’ll cruise, so ...

... after paying our dues to the lockie we left on Tuesday morning, though we didn’t go far ...

... just a mile or so downstream towards Radley Boat Club on a rather wild mooring utilising the plank at a rather rakish angle to get us onto the bank!

This morning (Wednesday) we had a walk down the towpath and found a much better mooring just below and opposite this lovely boathouse ...

... there it is, it was a bit of a struggle to get in but it was worth it ...

... we can now see over the towpath ...

... with lovely views in both directions of a very tranquil River Thames.

Tomorrow we have an assignation back in Abingdon and it looks as if this wonderful Indian Summer that we’ve been enjoying during September is coming to an end this weekend, oh well, it’s been a fantastic bonus, let’s hope autumn and winter will be just as kind to us!

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