Monday, 11 August 2014

What on the roof?

Early start again today and a slow cruise ...
 ... it took an hour for us to cruise to Cassio Bridge Lock and fill the water tank before continuing ...

down the lock where there is a rather small and sad-looking lock cottage ...

... and the over/under ground route into London

Parts of the Grand Union Canal is severely restricted due to fallen trees across the water - here it would have been difficult for two narrowboats to pass

Coming out of Common Moor Lock (79) CRT’s maintenance contractors are severely cutting back the vegetation on the towpath ...
 ... where we spied a small log pile, we asked if we could collect it, and now it’s on our roof - are we ‘real’ boaters now caring our firewood?

It really was slow going passing long, long lines of house boats, 

and CRT operatives watching the world go by ...

... I’m sure he doesn’t have the same problems that we have getting through bridges!

We weren’t sure where we were stopping today but we knew we were stopping at Tesco’s and whilst I was loading a trolley the heavens opened and once back onboard we quickly crossed the canal to a space just made for Still Rockin’.  The back canopy up and shopping put away we decided that that was that for today’s cruising.
We’ve managed to go for a walk around the gravel lakes and the confluence of rivers Chess and Colne between the very heavy showers this afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. Well that was good timing then! I love Ricky. The founder of Pennsylvania, William Penn, lived there for awhile. We love the path behind the church and along the old disused arm which used to go all the way up to the bakery in the village. If this cold weather sticks around you may need to burn that wood sooner rather than later.


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