We decided not to move yesterday and to catch up on some zeds after our busy couple of weeks with visitors and early morning starts ...
... so we’ve slept and dined at the Cowroast Inn, slept and today while the rain bucketed down George has been busy re-painting the bilge as it had received some harsh wear and tear during the engine fit and weather earlier in the year before the deck boards were down.
Also moored at Cowroast ...
Cyprus built at Yarwoods in 1935 ...
Saw this interesting notice at the sanitary station here - the 3rd bullet point states ‘make sure your bicycle has a valid permit’ This intrigued me - do cycles need permits nowadays?
I asked Google and came up with this ...
Cycling permit abolished on canals
With no fanfare, just a quiet mention on the new Canal & River Trust website:
Do I need a permit to cycle on your towpaths?The Trust also appears to have dropped the woefully out-of-date list of "waterways where thou shalt not cycle" (which hadn't been updated for about 10 years), replacing it with a simple injunction to "keep an eye out for 'no cycling' signs along the way".
No. You don't need a permit to use your bike on any of our towpaths. However, we would ask that you take a look at the Greenway Code before you take to the towpaths. Lots of people visit the waterways, for many different reasons, and everyone is entitled to feel happy and safe whilst they're visiting.
(This would have been in 2012.)
We are definitely moving on tomorrow so another early start to get us through the numerous locks Berkhamstead to Hemel and a bit closer to the Thames.
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