Tuesday, 5 August 2014

A wild mooring

20 past 6 I’m opening the swing bridge at Winkwell
First of the nine locks today
 Like yesterday I’m lock wheeling again and saw this rather pretty dutch barge
 George bringing Still Rockin’ into Fishery Lock 63 ...
... where Rosebay Willowherb is growing out of the top gate
Lock 65 at Frogmore End with its graffitied bridge ...
... and boarded up, unloved lock cottage.
 CRT/BW depot built in 1985 at Apsley Lock.

Beyond the lock are visitor moorings by Sainsburys Supermarket where did our own version of ‘wild mooring’ just getting the rear deck on the hardstanding with the rest of the boat in the trees.  I did pick up my camera to take a picture but George suggested I eat my bacon sandwich first and then of course, I forgot! Shopping done, we set off again ...
 A sharp right turn into Nash Mills Lock ...
 ... where new homes are being built on the site of the derelict site of what was once a large paper mill.
 Scaffolding covers bridge 155 immediately after our last lock (Red Lion Lock) of the day ...
... safely moored up below the lock.

At the time of writing the promised rain has not materialised and looks now as if it will come tomorrow instead so we may stay here another night.

It’s been a good day, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed walking between the locks and although the lock gates are heavy and the mechanisms are often stiff I’ve managed them without too much huffing and puffing!
I’m really pleased that we’ve found a way for both of us to enjoy and feel relaxed about this cruise with our new boat.


  1. Hi Carol pleased to see you are both enjoying your new boat we did the London trip a couple of years ago and really enjoyed it our boat is nb Oakapple maybe you would like to visit our blog nboakapple.blogspot.com
    Richard and sharon

    1. Thank you, I’ve added Oakapple to my blog list and look forward to following your travels.

  2. And there you were -gone. I saw Still Rockin moored at Cowroast and thought I'll get a photo of you passing Independence.and maybe say hello...well anyone who says you go to fast George, send 'em to me-I never heard a thing when you passed by at some ungodly hour. Enjoy the Thames. Mike

    1. Hi Mike, yes we did leave Cowroast very early! Sorry to have missed you - hopefully we’ll see you on the way back. Best wishes. Carol and George.


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