Thursday, 31 July 2014

A very pleasant morning

Up at 5 once again this morning; it’s a bit cooler but that suits me fine ...
... George sets of to the first lock of the day at 20 to 7 and I’m soon set to follow on Still Rockin'

At 10 to 8 I had come through 4 of today’s locks and was now in lock 44 by the pretty Waterman’s Cottage built in 1909.
George had gone off to set the top lock at Bulbourne and was taking such a long time, the lock was also taking forever to fill!  A problem in that the pound between the two locks ... it was nearly dry so he was letting down a couple of locks of water ...
... just before 8 the CRT guy took over supervision of the locks and water and gradually the lock filled and I was able to exit lock 44 and cruise carefully in the middle of the pound to the top of the Marworth flight.

George took over the steering from here but I was pleased with myself as I’d negotiated most of the curvaceous pounds of the 6 Marsworth Locks extremely well (except the top one where I’d not realised that water was being pumped in from the left which pushed Still Rockin’ out of line for the lock and knocked her about a bit - I was just a bit annoyed with myself!)
We were pleased to see that the Toll House at the junction of the Wendover arm is now being lived in.
Lots of moored boats at Bulbourne on both sides of the canal, some double-breasted making passage interesting to say the least! 
Holland built as a horse boat in 1905 ...
Unusual sculptures created here too

Cruising through the long cutting that is Tring Summit was lovely with dappled shade from the huge trees ...
... and it was here at 10 to 10 that we met the only other boat on the move that we saw on our cruise
Bridge 136 Cowroast where we found our mooring for the rest of the day, we shall move on again tomorrow.

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