North on the M6 ... a bit faster than our slow cruising speed ... about three hours after setting off from Abingdon ...
if you can enlarge this picture and see what I can see on the horizon you'll be able to guess where we're going ...
it's actually to my sister's home where the sun is hot in their back garden and from there I can see a young seagull on the nest in the chimney stack and that the birds who visit her feeders are mostly noisy, quarrelsome starlings.
Mid-afternoon we take a tram ride along the coast ... it must be over 40 years since I was here last
George, sister Sandra and her hubby Rugsa ...
on a windy promenade ... I'm sure you've guessed which one by now!
We had an early evening meal at the huge and very busy local Weatherspoons where a trainee member of staff managed to get both mine and George's order wrong!

A cloudless, hot day in Blackpool ... that's a rarity!
Walking towards North Pier just before 8pm ...
and looking back over the sea wall

Catching the tram back to Sandra's house ...
where we enjoyed a lovely evening in her new conservatory chatting and looking though the old family photos.
A really great and enjoyable day!
Your photos of the beachfront are marvellous, Carol. Very artistic. I love those sweeps of sand and the walls. I've never been to Blackpool, so it's great to see your pictures.
Thank you Val.
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